Frequently Asked Questions

How often does the KILGOUR PRIZE run?
The KILGOUR PRIZE is an annual art prize. It runs every year, culminating in an exhibition in the 2nd half of the year, around July or August. The deadline for entries varies slightly every year, depending on the exhibition dates. To stay informed throughout the year, sign up to our e-news and add 'the KILGOUR PRIZE' to your preferences.
What are the entry requirements?
The work must be a figurative or portrait painting, that is, representing the human form by means of a figure or likeness. The work must be executed in painting media including oil, acrylic, watercolour and/or mixed media. The work should not exceed 250cm in any given dimension. A work can consist of multiple parts but must not exceed overall size limits. The entrant warrants that the work is original and does not infringe the copyright, moral rights or other rights of any third party and was completed during the 12 months preceding the deadline date.
I work with mixed media/watercolour pencil/paper/oil stick/etc - will my work be deemed eligible?
Works submitted must be excecuted in a painting medium including oil, acrylic, watercolour or mixed media. If you are using some materials or techniques that would traditionally be considered drawing, but you feel as though your practice overall would be considered painting, we will happily accept your entry. If you are still unsure please feel free to get in touch to discuss in further detail.
What qualifies as a portrait or figurative painting?
Your work must include a human figure or a portrait in some way, but does not need to be of a living person, or a person of note. You do not need a release form from the subject of your painting. Figure studies, abstract representations, self portraits, single or group portraits, figures in landscape etc and head or full body compositions are all acceptable.
Can I submit a work which has already been exhibited?
We strongly encourage artists to create a new work of art for submission to the prize, however we will accept works that have been exhibited in public or commercial exhibitions within the past 12 months. We will also accept works of art that have been submitted to other art prizes, on the provision that the work still meets all KILGOUR PRIZE entry requirements and that it was not the winner of any other art prize.
Who can apply?
You must be over 18 years of age and an Australian citizen or have been a resident for more than 12 months. Employees of the City of Newcastle, Newcastle Art Gallery, the judges and members of their immediate families are ineligible to enter.
How can I apply?
Entries are processed via an online application form, please read the terms and conditions to ensure your eligibility and then proceed to the form.
How much can I win?
The KILGOUR PRIZE awards $50,000 every year, and a further $5,000 for the People's Choice award.
Is it acquisitive?
The KILGOUR PRIZE is non acquisitive, so you can enter works that have already been sold or sell the work you have submitted to the prize; so long as the work's sale or ownership does not affect its ability to be on display for the required time should it be selected as a finalist.
Can I enter more than one work of art?
No, you may only enter one work of art each year, but we welcome past entrants, finalists and winners to enter new works every year.
What is the judging process?
Two external judges are invited each year to join the Gallery Director in a panel of three judges. The external judges change every year. After the deadline for entries has passed, administration staff compile all entries and provide this information to the judges. Works are judged in anonymity - the judges are not provided with the name of the artists. Each judge selects their individual preferences before meeting to select the finalists. Approximately 30 - 40 finalists are selected each year. When selecting the winner, the judges view the finalists works on display in the exhibition space, and the works remain anonymous until the judges have made their final decision.
Who was Jack Kilgour?
Jack Noel Kilgour was an artist and a philanthropist. Learn more about him on the About Jack Kilgour page.
When I submitted my online application I didn't receive an email explaining how to pay. Is something wrong?
The confirmation email may not come through immediately, please wait up to an hour, and try checking your junk mail filter. If you still have not received confirmation please email us here.
I'm trying to make a payment and my card is being declined.
The BPOINT payment system may block transactions it thinks are coming from overseas. Make sure you are using a card issued in Australia. if your computer has a virtual private network (VPN) your IP address may also appear to be outside of Australia - try disabling this or using a different network. If you're still experiencing issues please email us here.
Is there anyone I can speak to?
There will be lots of reasons you might prefer to speak to someone. As the deadline approaches - don't leave it to the last minute to contact us, as the deadline for entries is final. Staff are available to speak with you Monday to Friday, from 9am to 5pm. Call 02 4974 5100 to speak to a Gallery Attendant and ask to be put through to KILGOUR PRIZE administration staff.