Newcastle Art Gallery Society

Since its foundation in 1969, the Art Gallery Society has played an integral part in Newcastle’s cultural life. Membership of the Society provides access to the city’s renowned collection of art and vibrant exhibition program. The Society hosts events to raise funds to support the Art Gallery in acquiring works of art for the collection. Membership is open to everyone and is an excellent way of enhancing your Art Gallery experience.

To review a current list of Gallery Society events, go to the Events Calendar page.

Become a Member

The Art Gallery Society offers a range of membership options. Gift Membership is an ideal way to introduce family and friends to the world of art.

To become a member, download a printable copy here.

Once your form is completed, scan it and email it to: or mail to: Newcastle Art Gallery Society PO Box 1727 Newcastle NSW 2300

Membership Benefits

  • Invitations to exclusive previews, exhibitions and special events
  • Subscription to ARTEMIS magazine an informative digest of exhibitions, acquisitions and people involved in the visual arts
  • Regular emailed DIARY REMINDERS
  • 10% discount at the Gallery Shop when membership card displayed
  • Complimentary express entry for exhibition openings
  • Discounts on tours, lectures and special events
  • Reciprocal rights with some state galleries


Elton Wirri, Western Aranda/Luritja/Pintupi people, Ellery Creek Gorge, 2009, watercolour on paper, Gift of the Newcastle Gallery Society 2009Newcastle Art Gallery, Australia

Art Gallery Society Contact Details

Phone: 02 4974 5123 (Voicemail)
Mail: PO Box 1727
Newcastle NSW 2300

Art Gallery Society Committee

President: Prue Viggers OAM
Vice President: Helen De Bruyn
Secretary/Public Officer: Gael Davies OAM
Treasurer: Therese Wildschut
Membership Secretary: Helen Dark
Committee: Lindy Batchelor, Lesley Crimmings, Peter Frost, Peter Hall, Deborah Skillen
Ex Officio: Holly Vale, Head of Commercial & Operations, Newcastle Art Gallery 

Privacy Statement:

Newcastle Art Gallery Society is obliged and committed to protecting the privacy of its members. It takes reasonable steps to comply with all relevant legislation. The personal information collected is destroyed immediately after processing. Membership information can be checked for accuracy by contacting:

Image: John FIRTH-SMITH Rocks, sea and thing 1981 oil on canvas 152.4 x 182.7cm Gift of the Newcastle Gallery Society 1982 Newcastle Art Gallery collection Courtesy the artist